2024 Pyrenees Bushfire Grants Program

Submissions closed at 11:00PM 1 July 2024 (AEST).

2024 Pyrenees Bushfire Grants Program

Submissions closed at 5:00PM Monday 1 July   2024 (AEST).

Before you submit your application please check your organisations eligibility and project, contact the Community Enterprise Foundation on 1300 304 541 or email Foundation.Mailbox@bendigoadelaide.com.au


The Pyrenees Bushfire Grants Program will seek applications from eligible charitable and not for profit organisations to fund projects and programs from bushfire affected communities in Victoria's Pyrenees region.

Who is an eligible organisation

The Pyrenees Bushfire Grants Program will seek applications from eligible organisations.

An eligible organisation will:-

  1. Be a not-for-profit organisation or club (with an ABN number)
  2. Be registered as a charity with the ACNC and hold item 1 Deductable Gift Recipient status 1 (Item 1 DGR)


Funding available

Applications can be made for grants up to $10,000. Distribution is subject to the needs of bushfire affected communities in the Pyrenees regions.

Funding will support the resilience, rebuilding and strengthening of the social fabric within communities, with priority given to community-led activities that promote: -

People - Not for profit and charitable organisation supporting individual recovery and resilience building projects

Social - Supporting community connectedness and recovery of organisations

Economic - Supporting community initiatives that assist in the economic restoration of communities

Environmental - Supporting the conservation and re-establishment of the natural environment

Individuals are not eligible to apply for this funding and should visit https://www.pyrenees.vic.gov.au/Emergencies/Bayindeen-fire-recovery-information for information about individual fire relief.

.If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)